Architectural Lighting Designers​

We are Architectural Lighting Designers and Full Service Lighting Design Consultants headquartered in Philadelphia.

Architectural lighting goes beyond mere illumination, integrating technical knowledge with creative flair to transform buildings into visually compelling and functional environments.

In the hands of skilled designers, lighting becomes a powerful tool to define architectural elements, highlight textures, and evoke emotions. It shapes how we perceive spaces, influencing our mood and behavior. Whether indoors or outdoors, lighting designers carefully consider factors such as natural light, spatial layout, and user experience to craft a bespoke lighting solution.

Indoor architectural lighting aims to create a balanced atmosphere where different activities can thrive. It involves layering light sources to provide ambient, task, and accent lighting, each serving a specific purpose while harmonizing with the architectural intent. Fixtures are selected not just for their technical capabilities but also for their aesthetic contribution to the space.

Outdoor architectural lighting plays a dual role of functionality and enhancement. It ensures safety and security while enhancing the nighttime appearance of facades, landscapes, and public spaces. Techniques like uplighting, downlighting, and grazing are employed to sculpt surfaces, reveal textures, and create dramatic effects after dark.

Moreover, advancements in technology have revolutionized architectural lighting design. LED technology, for instance, offers energy efficiency, longevity, and flexibility in color and intensity control, enabling designers to push boundaries and explore new creative possibilities.

In essence, architectural lighting design is a blend of artistry and technical proficiency. It serves as an invisible hand that guides our perception of architecture, shaping how we experience and interact with our built environment. Through thoughtful design, lighting transforms spaces into dynamic, engaging, and memorable places for all who inhabit or visit them.

Get in touch.​

Let’s talk about your project!​


Architectural Lighting Designers and Full Service Lighting Design Consultants headquartered in Philadelphia.

(215) 518-4788
1816 South 2nd Street
Philaldelphia, PA 19148